Thursday, December 24, 2009

Which do you prefer pictures with the flash or without the flash?

Which do you prefer pictures with flash or without the flash??

I prefer pictures without the flash because they look more natural.Which do you prefer pictures with the flash or without the flash?
You people have all been looking at photos that people took who DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE FLASH!! If someone really knows what they are doing, you have no idea what kind of lighting they used for the shot. Some are better with, some are better without.Which do you prefer pictures with the flash or without the flash?
I nearly always take pictures without the flash - I agree, the colour is more natural, especially if the photo is taken outside in good lighting.

But there are some cases where you need to use a flash, or the picture won't turn out. Indoors, in poor lighting and if you're taking a picture of a moving subject, your pictures will be dark, noisy and blurry without flash. In that case, it's better to use the flash so your pictures at least will turn out. But most of the time, it's better to use ';ambient'; light.

Pictures without the flash *might* look more natural. They also might suffer from badly balanced lighting, blurred captures, raccoon eyes, harsh shadows, blown highlights and/or blocked shadows, no catchlights, poor color, etc etc etc. People think they don't like flash because of the on-board built in teeny-tiny flashes that come on both P%26amp;S cameras and SLR. Even those can add the touch of fill needed outdoors or freeze motion on the dance floor, or illuminate an impossibly backlit scene. Good flash technique can result in stunning imagery that would not have been captured using no accessory lighting.

I know an amateur wedding photographer who refuses to use a flash at all, even for the formals in dark churches. She depends on using 800 speed film and a wide aperture. Her images always suffer from motion blur and camera shake, bad color (she uses daylight balanced consumer film) and focus issues resulting from shooting wide open. Understand, she shoots for free, so at least the couple isn't out any money, but they also won't have many decent images either.

I prefer using a flash when necessary.
If you are asking about the little pop-up flash common to so many digital cameras then you shouldn't expect very good results. Direct flash is very harsh and unflattering.

When taking flash pictures I use an off-camera flash mounted on a bracket and bounced off the ceiling. Gives a very natural light.
;-p well uh`mm I have'nt given this thought in some years !!,But or I just try to be sure the lighting in said places,area or room are atleast fairly bright asfar as the light source !!.. I think I've taken the few bAd pictures that I've ever taken while using some instant thing;ah`' muh~jiGg !! ha ha ha.. Now I do think I've used a camera or two that even if the lighting is dim... The camera I guess would some how adjust !?! %26amp; or add somehow the proper lighting for the picture to come out looking right !?! But I have'nt touched another camera like that one since the mid 1980's !! I just try not to get involved with taking pictures or being in one unless the light is good !!.,. other than that it may be a shame to spend time , money %26amp; or film !! DIGITAL CAMERAS as I understand it: Is theEe way to go now days !!. you know; the ones that claim not to use film !?! lol . r'`R`'r
well, the flash stablilizes the image, so unless you have a tripod or a very steady hand, you might get some movement in the pic. unkess of course the flash isnt needed if the lighting is right. it all deoends on the setting you have too.
I think flash overemphasizes the subject in nightshot but unfortunately it's necessary. I noticed though while taking pictures of art at a museum, the pictures without flash always turned out better in a well lit room.
same here, but my models, or the things i'm taking pictures of kinda hate it which sucks, but i think flash is great, especially with black and white photos
Depends on the situation... I never use on camera flash, but I will use an external flash on the side as a fill when needed... sometimes, just natural lighting is good enough though.
I prefer without the flash, although I cheat and use an external flash that I point at the ceiling to give overhead light. :D
I prefer to flash only in unlit parks. No one sees me until it's too late.

Oh , pictures, with or without flash?

Without, I like the natural look.
I agree. Sometimes you need a flash but very rarely. I prefer the more natural look too.
There are a lot more great locations to take photos where flash is not needed but if you know how to balance your flash exposure they work together well.
Wow. YA... the love hate kinda place. Love the links to cool sites. Hate the lame answers. And the lame answer was not the one about the cave.
Like everyone else is saying; natural light is prettiest
picture with flash show better to me..

picture with flash looks cool when you take it at night

picture with out flash only show good in the morning
Well if it's dark you should take it with flash. But if it is bright enough don't use flash.
I agree. Using natural daylight is so much prettier and detailed if you know how to do it right.
I like it without flash, its more natural and real.
it depends really...If you have to take a picture of a portrait at night time, it is very advisable to use flash
it depends...if your in a cave, you wont be able to see anything without a flash
no flash, natural light (4-6pm on a clear day is the BEST)

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